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Studies in English

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Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Rolniczo-Ekonomiczny
Kierunek studiów Agriculture
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Pierwszego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Czas trwania 7 semestrów
Adres komisji rekrutacyjnej admissions@urk.edu.pl
Godziny otwarcia sekretariatu 8-15
Adres WWW https://studyinenglish.urk.edu.pl/index/site/4187
Wymagany dokument
  • Matura
  • Certyfikat biegłości językowej
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Tura 1 (15.04.2024 00:00 – 30.06.2024 23:59)

Faculty: Agriculture and Economics
Main field: Agriculture
Speciality: Agriculture
Fees: the candidates are requested to pay enrolment fee of 20 EUR
Tuition fee: Students from EU and EFTA countries - 0 Euro; other countries 1200 Euro/semester

First and second degree studies in English are conducted as the Agriculture specialization in the Agriculture, which enables and extends employment opportunities for graduates in EU countries. Graduates acquire knowledge and skills in agricultural, forestry, biological, economic and engineering sciences. The general objectives of teaching the studied subject at the first degree level focus on providing students with: general knowledge in the field of agricultural sciences and agricultural economics, detailed knowledge in the field of sciences related to plant production as well as the functioning and organization of farms in their economic, social and legal environment; acquiring the ability of critical understanding and practical use of knowledge to describe and analyze typical problems and areas of agricultural activity and agriculture environment, preparation for active participation in production and decision-making processes as well as in the creation and implementation of complex projects. The above-mentioned objectives of education at the 2nd degree are implemented in an extended scope. A graduate of the first degree of studies in Agriculture can use the potential of nature to improve the quality of human life. Is prepared to work in agriculture and agricultural institutions. Has specialist knowledge in the field of agricultural production, mainly plant production, and is distinguished by engineering and interdisciplinary education allowing for high flexibility on the labor market. Knows and understands the principles of operation of new technologies used in soil and plant cultivation. Able to manage according to the assumptions of sustainable agriculture. He can raise funds for agricultural activities. He is prepared to work in advisory and other services working for agriculture, as well as in local government and government bodies. Has the knowledge, skills and competences to run a farm in accordance with the principles of good farming practice and sustainability criteria.
Candidates for first-cycle studies are admitted on the basis of secondary school-leaving certificate.